God’s infallible Word still stands! Stop allowing the words of friends, family, enemies, complainers, and pessimists to drown your hope in God’s Word. God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore; the same God who kept His promise to His people will keep His promises to you. The place where you were ruined can become the place of redemption…if you trust God!

In 1 Kings 21 ( https://ref.ly/1K21 )Naboth, a servant of God was wrongfully accused and killed because Ahab, a godless man, sought to steal that which God had given to Him. What God had given Naboth and his ancestors as a godly inheritance and a source of livelihood, Ahab wanted to use to cater to his need for convenience. Jezebel, Ahab’s wife, then conspired and had an innocent man killed – a perfect example of injustice. This was a perfect opportunity for Naboth’s family to question God and lose hope because good had seemingly been overcome by evil.

This seemingly tragic script has outlasted Naboth’s time and even now, plagues the lives of many. Injustice seems to reign as those who are obedient to Christ feel as if they have had the mat pulled out from under them while the wicked flaunt themselves and glorify the kingdom of darkness.

Child of God. Wipe your tears. Any good playwright will tell you that a good script is filled with twists and turns, it won’t play out exactly as we may have anticipated. God is the master playwright and when He writes your story it is certain that evil can never prevail over good. So don’t leave your seat as yet, the show isn’t over, the best is yet to come. “Let the fear of the Lord be upon you. Be careful what you do, for there is no injustice with the Lord our God…” (https://ref.ly/2Ch19.7)

Fast forward to 2 Kings 9 (https://ref.ly/2K9 )Ahab had died without seeing the fulfillment of the prophecy made by Elijah. Was Naboth’s bloodshed in vain? Would the wicked continue to reign? Some of the players in the game changed but the outcome would still be the same. Those who dishonored the name and covenant of God would be punished as was prophesied in 1Kings 21:19-24 (https://ref.ly/1K21.19-24)

In 2 Kings 9:25(J https://ref.ly/2K9.25 ) Jehu, the recently crowned king, kills King Joram, the son of Jezebel and instructs his officer to throw Joram’s body in the field that belonged to Naboth. The same place where injustice was done was the same place where the enemy was dethroned.

Where have you been robbed? In your family? Your job? Your finance, your health? Don’t abandon your ruins – go back to that same place and watch God put the enemy to shame in the same place where you were put to shame. God loves to rebuild walls in the same places they were destroyed. Don’t give up on a dream because the devil sought to wreak havoc, don’t flee the scene because where you were ruined can be the same area where you are redeemed. ( This word is not licensed for one to settle in and accept abuse). This word is a reminder that God’s Word still stands and no injustice will go unpunished – God can restore that which was lost… “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm” https://ref.ly/Jl2.25

Child of God, take heart, the battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s. Your obstacles will be overcome “not by power, not by might but by the Spirit of God” ( https://ref.ly/Zc4.6). Our unfailing God is faithful and He can be trusted to deliver us. “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?(https://ref.ly/Nu23.19)

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Hey mum! Do not fear!

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