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(Outreach Programs)

G.H.O.W GO is Gatekeepers House of Worship’s community outreach and street ministry team which has had a powerful impact on the communities of New York City. G.H.O.W takes a holistic approach to ministry and believes it is important to spread the love of God beyond the walls of the church building. As a ministry, it is our duty to care for those in need in our communities without discrimination or judgment.

Deuteronomy‬ 15:11‬ ESV says, “For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land’.

Community of Service and Compassion

A closer look at Gatekeepers House of Worship Inc and the number of outreach services that we offer to our community, both domestic and overseas.

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Blanket Drives

A Gesture of
Warmth and Hope

In New York, a staggering 91,897 people are homeless on any given night. This statistic, sourced from, is a grim reminder of the harsh realities of homelessness, which become even harder during the biting winter months. Since the inception of GHOW, we have been active in our yearly blanket drive, where we go to those who are homeless and provide them with socks and blankets for the cold winter months. Each blanket is not just a source of warmth, but a message of hope and care

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Community Breakfast & Grocery Drop Off

Alleviating Hunger

No one should have to worry about whether they will have food on their plate or a roof over their head. The reality, however, is that hunger and homelessness are widespread problems that aĊect far too many people, including New Yorkers. At Gatekeepers House of Worship, we refuse to stand by idly. With the help of our congregants in the food and medical field, these volunteers are able to provide fresh and nutritious meals and grocery packages to those who need them. The community breakfast and grocery drop-oĊ initiative is our way of ensuring that no one in our community goes to bed hungry.

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Prayer Walk

The Power of Prayer

Research shows that those who practice a lifestyle of prayer are happier and healthier mentally and physically. As a kingdom movement, we believe that prayer can change anything. Our ministry often takes the time to venture into our local community to pray for
and with them. We believe that prayer extends beyond your own concerns, focusing directly
A Closer Look at Gatekeepers House of Worship Inc: A Community of Service and Compassion on the needs of others and opening yourself to see them with God’s eyes and heart. We have testimonies of salvation, healing, and restoration brought to members of our community through prayer, and we give all glory to God.

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Missions’ Trip & Community Empowerment

Spreading Love and Knowledge

Our heart is evangelism and our reach is global. We have started our Caribbean tour with Jamaica where we host our annual church and community workshops. During the past year and this one, we have impacted three parishes in Jamaica namely St Ann, Manchester, and Montego Bay. These workshops go beyond spiritual teachings and include practical skills and awareness campaigns. One such initiative is the Autism Awareness workshop where we had licensed ABA Therapists from our team teach parents and caretakers how to properly guide, support, and rear children with Autism. It’s our small way of making a big difference.

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Children’s Home & Child Sponsorship

Expanding Our Impact

In seeking to expand our impact even further, we have chosen to partner with Robin’s Nest Children’s Home in Montego Bay, Jamaica. This haven provides a loving, Christ-centered environment where each child can grow physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. During our visit, we loaded up barrels to provide school supplies, food and clothing for children and families in need. We have also sponsored one child as we do our part to the glory of God. It’s a testament to our belief that every child deserves love, care, and a safe space to grow and thrive.

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Prayer Walk

The Power of Prayer

Partner With Us

At Gatekeepers House of Worship, we believe in the power of service, compassion, and love. We are committed to creating a better world, one act of kindness at a time. If you share our vision and mission, we welcome you to join us in making a difference.


Schedule a prayer sessions with an intercessor.

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